Board Governance Workshops

Board Governance Workshops

The organisational structure of the public sector is going through yet another revolution. But this one feels like the biggest yet. Accountable Care Organisations, combined unitary authorities and organisations are working closer than ever before in partnership.

This is the future of the public sector in the UK. It all sounds good in theory, but how will the governance work? How can boards be assured that risks are being managed?

At AGS we have over 15 years of experience of delivering facilitated workshops with boards and governing bodies, assisting them in the development of Assurance Frameworks, Risk Management Strategies and the wider governance structure of their organisation.

We can develop and facilitate bespoke, interactive workshops which ensure the involvement of all attendees in finding solutions to the governance and assurance challenges presented by the current organisational change agenda. Following the workshop, we'll provide you with an output from it which summarises the actions you need to take in response to the issues raised during the facilitated session.

Contact us now for a discussion about how we could develop a workshop for you which meets your needs.